Friday already!? Serving up some piping hot links in time for breakfast:
It’s almost Halloween, get your facts straight with this Candy Corn infographic. (If you don’t eat candy corn white-pointy-end first, you’re doing it wrong).
These code words for spinster are amazing. Hecate’s Handmaidens is the PERFECT name for an all-girl punk band.
Wanna make a BB-8 Droid o’ lantern? Here’s the tutorial!
Mmmmmmm, Bacteria art.
This cover of “Can’t Feel My Face” is my jam this week:
This video of Mad Max: Fury Road as 8-Bit video game:
Did you see anything amazing this week? Let me know in the comments!
The post Chock-Full O’Links (October 23rd Edition) appeared first on Candyfloss Ramparts.